5 Tips to Better Networking

We’ve all been there…the dreaded networking events that happen bimonthly or semi-annually that everyone pretends to love, but in reality hates. True, networking events can help you make connections to land that “dream job.” More often, though, we see the task as walking into a room of strangers, in most cases wearing an uncomfortable suit, with a fake smile on our faces fearing forced conversations and awkward encounters. This article will expose some ways in which you can make yourself more comfortable when walking into the shark tank at your next event.

Turn your anxiety into authority with these simple hacks to “work the room” and maximize your time. Here are this Blonde in Business’ 5 Tips to Better Networking:


As most events or conferences require pre-registration, a sign-in table with name tags is commonly one of the first things you can expect upon arrival. If your name tag is not printed, the first thing to make sure of is that you print your name clearly and legibly. There is nothing worse than when you are introducing yourself to someone and they are trying to read your name tag, but clearly struggling; except for incorrect name tag placement! Your name tag should always be on your right hand side ABOVE YOUR BREAST. I once had a mentor tell me that there is nothing worse than when a female places her name tag smack dab in the middle of her chest. Imagine a potential employer trying to read that…not a good look! Keep it professional and place your name tag close to your face so the employer is looking where you want them to.

Another one of my favorite name tag tips is from is behavioral investigator, national best-selling author, and corporate speaker, Vanessa Van Edwards. She says: “Always, always look at other people’s name tags before filling out yours. I can’t tell you how many times it’s happened to me where I look like a giant nerd because I have filled out my full name and company and everyone else just has their first name. Or worse, I just write my first name and everyone else practically has their resume written on their chest. Save yourself the pain and get in the habit of checking out others first.”


Ahhhh, and cue the awkward introductory handshake.

A handshake is the first impression you are making on someone at a networking event. This is why in business schools, firm handshakes with eye contact and a polite smile are so frequently “taught” similar to other interpersonal skills. Nothing is worse than a sweaty, cold, wimpy handshake. Although you might be sweating from nerves, or the suit you are wearing in a stuffy room, it is important that when you meet someone for the first time, your hand doesn’t give your perspiration away. Try keeping a napkin or tissue in your pocket so you’re not pulling the not-so-casual, not-so-cute exaggerated wipe down the pants to get rid of excess sweat as you approach your target recruiter. If you are at a networking event where water or beverages are offered, this makes it easier! Try keeping a napkin under the drink so that you may use it to absorb the nervous sweat you might get.


Everyone knows the purpose of networking events is to make connections and exchange “favors” and contacts to help maximize professional goals. Therefore, there is no reason to feel as though you need to force unrelated dialogue or “icebreakers.” A conversation about the weather is not necessarily a good lead in to talking about externships, and is in some ways, is actually a sign of insecurity. A candidate who approaches a contact, asking direct, specific, researched questions is a much better potential confident and capable candidate from an employer’s perspective.


I hate when I hear young students or young professionals open a conversation with:

“I love Johnson & Johnson…How do I get a job with you guys?”

“What do I need to do to get a job with your company?”

This screams DESPERATION!

Students and professionals need to realize that networking events are opportunities to make connections, gather information, and impress employers with the knowledge they’ve acquired through research of a company. You, the young professional, are just as much interviewing and getting to know a company as they are you! It is tacky to try to flatter an employer with the “I have wanted to work at GSK since I was…” lingo. Obviously, if you are speaking to a representative of this company and know a lot about their mission, you are demonstrating your interest in being employed by them. Make them want you more or at least equal to how much you want them! Show yourself as a superior, stand out candidate by instead trying specific, direct questions like these…

“In your mission statement, a technological approach to quantitative market decision making is emphasized. What technologies would be useful or impressive for an interested candidate to know or have a working knowledge of?”

“What are the skills some successful interns or people in this department have had?”


The easiest, but the most common mistake occurs in the failure to execute this crucial step. At a networking event, a recruiter is talking to probably 50 or more “eager beavers” all lined up for a job with their company. Besides stand out questions which we’ve developed in the prior section, How can you stand out and be memorable from a five minute or less conversation? Answer: it’s all in the follow up.

If you have the employer’s card, a personalized, handwritten thank you note can go a long way, but more commonly, it’s easier to find the person you interacted with on LinkedIn, and invite them to “Connect.” Always include a personal note and always make that note personal, including one or two specifics from the conversation between the two of you from the event. Dave Roos, a contributor for the popular site, “How Stuff Works” writes: “If you really want to build a networking relationship, don’t send a generic “nice to meet you” e-mail. Dig up something that’s useful to them, maybe a link to an article about Google’s autonomous cars, a rare poster for sale on eBay or a list of 20 app names you thought of on the car ride home. You’ll feel like less of a self-promoter and make a lasting impression in the process.”

follow up.JPG

Dave’s last line is my favorite. Promote yourself through a personal brand. Remembering something unique to every interaction not only makes you memorable, it makes you human. Don’t be so “professional” that you forget to show the recruiter your personality. No one likes a robot. Be yourself to determine if the representative(s) from that company would be a person or people you would enjoy seeing in the office every day. It’s important to remember that the people of an office are, in essence, the very culture of that company. 

All of these tips should make the task of “networking” a little less daunting at your next event. So I challenge you to get out there, find a conference or event, and sign up to attend.

Do you have any other tips or tricks for networking? Leave them below in the comments!

Let’s make some killer connections together…NF


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